
I dont mean to tell you what to do, I just love you enough to say what you don't want to hear, even if that means you'd hate me for it.

I broke trust with my best friend in the entire world. I screwed everything up, and I can't apologize enough. I care so much about you, I wish you could see that, but I know it comes off as me trying to control your life. I just want to help you do what's right so that your life can be filled with happiness and love for the Lord. I pray for you every night and I just wish you would see me as a friend you can be with, and not see me as you're ex girlfriend, because you weren't just some boy to me, you were my everything, my love, and my christopher.
I am so sorry.
I miss you.
I love you.

and I'll always be here 
for You.
I promise.

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