
roommates had fun with pinterest make up tutorials. these is our result. :)


Panoramic of BYUI

Jordan throws me backflip thing....

I'm a Taurus

PROBLEM:  Unexplained fear of loss, jealousy and a paranoia that others are out to get you.
SOLUTION:  You have within you the ability to not only attract faithfulness, but also the intellect to see what is truly going on around you. You are loosing faith in both of these personal traits. Rebuild that faith.

wow this explains me pretty accurately 

Our Mistakes


Hey, I was done playing games
knew I needed to upgrade
So I went and walked away, way way
Now, you see I've been haning out
with another girl in town
at least she doesn't bring me down down down

Remember all the things you and I did first
and now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things you and I did first
You got me got me like this
Now you're taking her to every restaurant
and everywhere we went Comm'on 
Now you're taking her to every restaurant
you got me got me like this
Boy you can say anything you want
It don't mean a thing no one else can have you
Want you back, yeah I want you back

I broke it off thinking you'd be fine
but now I feel sick looking at you crying
I want Us back, yeah I want us back

Please, rid me of this jealousy 
you know you belong with me
and I'm gonna make you see see see

You clearly didn't think it through
cause I did everything for you
and now I don't know what to do do do

Remember all the things you and I did first
and now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things you and I did first
You got me got me like this
Now you're taking her to every restaurant
and everywhere we went Comm'on
Now you're taking her to every restaurant
you got me got me like this
Boy you can say anything you want
It don't mean a thing no one else can have you
Want you back, yeah I want you back

I broke it off thinking you'd be fine
but now I feel sick looking at you crying
I want Us back, yeah I want us back

I thought that you'd be fine,
when I kissed you goodbye

You might be with her
but I know we could work.

Boy you can say anything you want
It don't mean a thing no one else can have you
Want you back, yeah I want you back

I broke it off thinking you'd be fine
but now I feel sick looking at you crying

Both: I want Us back, yeah I want us back

I thought that you'd be fine,
when I kissed you goodbye

You might be with her
but I know we could work.


I dont mean to tell you what to do, I just love you enough to say what you don't want to hear, even if that means you'd hate me for it.

I broke trust with my best friend in the entire world. I screwed everything up, and I can't apologize enough. I care so much about you, I wish you could see that, but I know it comes off as me trying to control your life. I just want to help you do what's right so that your life can be filled with happiness and love for the Lord. I pray for you every night and I just wish you would see me as a friend you can be with, and not see me as you're ex girlfriend, because you weren't just some boy to me, you were my everything, my love, and my christopher.
I am so sorry.
I miss you.
I love you.

and I'll always be here 
for You.
I promise.

Sora Lee Photo Logo

Just completed my roommate Sora's photography's page logo!
What do ya guys think? Leave some comments and check out her Facebook page!!

Sora's Photography

Sora Lee Photography

Monet Challenge

The Monet Challenge 

Photographing it in different lighting conditions; during different weather, during different times of day, and during different seasons should be evident in the image. For example the side of a barn, with no grass and no sky, would not appear remarkably different from image to image.
  1. You will photograph this scene at least 12 times. (minimum of 1 shot a week, pick the top 12)
  2. You will photography it at different times of day during different weather, and during different seasons.
  3. Choose one subject/location
  4. Put all the images on one image
  • it should be easily accessible
  • it should exist in natural light
  • it should be interesting

Wynn Boys

Some kid shots I got while taking some family pictures for the Wynn's. :)